Saturday, September 22, 2012


 Уважаеми/а господине/госпожо,

 През 2012/2014 г. 88 СОУ ”Д.Попниколов” получи европейско финансиране за международен проект "Коменски" на тема "Обществото на младите европейски писатели" с партньори от Франция, Турция и Италия. Подробна информация за проекта може да намерите на адрес:

На педагогически съвет се взе решение участници в проекта да са ученици от горен курс (основно от езиковите паралелки) и при възможност ученици от 7 клас, които възнамеряват да кандидатстват за езиковата паралелка в 88. СОУ следващата година. (Приблизителен брой на участниците - 24)

За нас главна цел е осигуряване на маскимален брой активни участници, които ще се включат в проектните дейности и ще пътуват безплатно до страна участничка в проекта (за приключилите 3 проекта "Коменски" 42 ученици участваха в 10 международни срещи, като 36 бяха приемни семейства).

За да участват в проекта и да бъдат приемно семейство, учениците трябва да:

1. Попълнят своите и Вашите данни в МОЛБА, в която да посочите, че сте съгласни да примете дете/деца от друга държава, което ще даде възможност на Вашето дете безплатно да участва в от една работните международни срещи.

2. Напишат МОТИВАЦИОННО ПИСМО (на български или на английски език) от около 1 страница, в което да опишат защо желат да участват в проекта.

Да изпратят като прикачен файл МОЛБАТА и МОТИВАЦИОННОТО ПИСМО (файл/ове на Word 2003 или 2007) на имейл:


По проекта „Обществото на младите европейски писатели” предстои международна среща в София от 28 ноември до 3 декември 2012 г., на която 88. СОУ ще е домакин. Според правилата на Европейската комисия настаняването на учениците при тези срещи е по домовете на техните съученици в чужбина. Предварителен брой на учениците, които ще посетят България, е: 8 от Франция, 8 от Турция и 8 от Италия. Ще осигурим приемни семейства за всички ученици от държавите-партньори.

По време на работната среща в България учениците домакини и гости ще участват в специално организираните дейности в училище на 29 и 30 ноември, както и в екскурзиите - обиколка на София и Пловдив (Мелник) на 1 и 2 декември 2012 г. По време на екскурзиите храната и пътят за домакини и гости ще бъдат осигурени от проекта.

По време на работната среща Вие, като приемно семейство, имате ангажимент да осигурите закуска и вечеря на настаненото при Вас дете. Преди работното посещение ще се проведе родителска среща за запознаване с подробната програма.

Убедени сме, че синът/дъщеря Ви е отговорен и възпитан млад човек, на когото може да се разчита, и ще участва активно в дейностите по проекта. Това е възможност да бъде един от пътуващите в чужбина ученици. Там той/тя ще бъде бъде настанен/а в семейство на съученик/чка.

 За въпроси може да се обаждате на:

- Цветелена Таралова – учител по АЕ и координатор на проект на тел: 0878 320 263 - вечер, Skype: ts_taralova или на е-майл:   и

- класните ръководители.

 (Примерна молба)
До Директора

На 88. СОУ



.............................................................................................................. (родител)

тел. ..........................................................


..........................................................................................(ученик/чка от ............... клас)

тел. .........................................................


Г-жо Директор,

Моля да участвам в международен проект "Коменски" на тема "Обществото на младите европейски писатели".

 Прилагам мотивационно писмо.

Съгласен/а съм да настаня 1 / 2 ученици в дома си и приемам избора на училищната комисия.

С уважение:      1. .................................................. (име на родител)

                           2. ..................................................(име на ученик)


Опишете в рамките на една страница защо искате да се включите в проекта.

 Ще бъдат разгледани кандидатури за участие (МОЛБА И МОТИВАЦИОННО ПИСМО), изпратени най-късно до 30 септември 2012, по електронен път на адрес:

                                           От Ръководството и Училищното настоятелство на 88 СОУ


Допълнителна информация:

При избора на приемните семейства се ръководим от възрастта и интересите на учениците. За целта, всеки ученик - гост и домакин, предварително ще попълни свой профил с информация за предпочитания и неща, които не харесва. Изборът ще се извърши от училищна комисия, която ще разгледа попълнените форми с цел партньорство на участници с общи интереси. Изборът е окончателен.

За Ваша информация българските участниците в работните срещи ще се избират от комисия, определена от Директора на училището по критерии:
         1. активност в проектната дейност - 4 точки (сбирките ще са един път седмично);
         2. социални умения - 4 точки;
         3. езикови умения - 2 точки.
         Изборът е окончателен.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tentative Work Program

September 2012
1. Sessions to inform the school community of the results of the application and gather suggestions regarding specific activities and planning.
2. Creation of the Book of Knowledge (Blog)
3. To get acquainted schools design one part of the logo of the project that refers to their countries. They make presentations and write questionnaires about their countries and publish everything on the Book of Knowledge.
4. Registration of the eTwinning project and administration.

October 2012
5. Students publish their answers and feedback to questionnaires on the Book of Knowledge
6. Students visit photo galleries to find inspiration. They take or select photos and publish 2 on the Book of Knowledge. They also choose a time period that will be the context of the short stories.

November 2012
7. Meeting 1 - Bulgaria 
- Creation of the Logo and Publication
- Cultural visits
- Setting the pedagogical approach to teach and implement creative writing
- Creation of a tool blog: How to write a short story.
8. Evaluation of the project and publication of the results on the Twinspace.
9. Creation of Hall of Fame and 1st publication of photos, etc.

December 2012
10. Short story writing 1 - 10 pieces based on the 10 chosen photos of other countries. Students vote for the top four ones locally.

January-February 2013
11. Award Ceremony. Publication of the results on the Twinspace.
12. Hall of Fame completed.

March 2013
13. Students visit art galleries to find inspiration. They select paintings and publish 2 on the Book of Knowledge. They also choose a time period that will be the context of the short stories
14. Short story writing 2: 10 pieces based on the 10 chosen paintings of other countries.
Students vote for the top four ones locally.

April 2013
15. Meeting 2  Italy???
- Reading and debating sessions
- 2nd Awards Ceremony

May 2013
16. Evaluation of the project and publication of the results on the Twinspace.
17. Hall of Fame completed.

June 2013
18. Balance of the first year activities.
19. Students make illustrations of the first series of awarded short stories.

September 2013
20. Students make illustrations of the second series of awarded short stories.

October-November 2013
21. Meeting 3 - Turkey???
- Design of the e-book (graphic charter) and matching of the short stories with the illustrations.
- Evaluation of the first year and checking of the schedule of year 2.
22. Evaluation of the project and publication of the results on the Twinspace.
23. Hall of Fame completed
24. Students visit art galleries to find inspiration. They select sculptures or paintings and publish 2 on the Book of Knowledge. They also choose a time period that will be the context of the short stories.

December 2013
25. Short story writing 3: 10 pieces based on the 10 chosen sculptures or  paintings of other countries. Students vote for the top four ones locally.

January 2014
26. - Reading and debating sessions.
27. Hall of Fame completed

February 2014
28. Students make illustrations of 3rd series of awarded short stories.
29. Students choose 2 extracts from novels by native writers and publish 2 on the Book of Knowledge. They choose a time period that will be the context of the short-stories.

March 2014
30. Short story writing 4: 10 pieces based on the 10 chosen novel extracts of other countries.
Students vote for the top four ones locally.

April 2014
31. Meeting 4 - France ???
- Reading and debating sessions
- 4th awards ceremony

May 2014
32. Evaluation of the project and publication of the results on the Twinspace.
33. Hall of Fame completed.
34. Students make illustrations of the 4th series of awarded short stories.

June 2014
35. Completion and publication of e-book
36.  Balance of Year 2

Participants' Involvement

The approach encourages students’ active participation and involvement throughout the project. Students will be actively engaged in every phase of the project, including its planning, implementation and evaluation.

1. Students are involved throughout the whole project and right from the start through the creation of the logo.

2. Before and after project meetings, students are asked to perform a series of concrete tasks, some of them resulting in concrete productions:
- Choosing the material - photos, paintings, sculptures, novels- partners will base their writings on,
- Publishing research in the Book of Knowledge,
- Writing short stories,
- Organizing reading sessions and awards ceremony,
- Organizing visits to art galleries,
- Illustrating the e-book,
- Creating the e-book.

3. During project meetings, students will be asked to
- Take photos for the Hall of Fame,
- Take part in reading sessions and debating about the short stories,
- Take part in awards ceremonies,
- Design the e-book and edit pages

4. Pupils will also evaluate the project through evaluation grids or questionnaires.

Key Competences

Communication in foreign languages
Cultural awareness and expression
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences

Project Objectives

1. Cultural objectives:
- Allowing students and teachers to discover, understand and appreciate the culture of the partners through activities related to art and creative writing.
- Identifying, describing and reflecting on one's own cultural and artistic heritage and identity,
- Discovering similarities and differences between each of the cultures of the participants (students and teachers), 
- Breaking mental barriers through exploring the other countries' cultures and artistic heritage,
- Bridging the gap between the different cultures and extracting the European dimension.

2. Communication objectives
- Developing a continuous dialogue between partners and enhancing the communication skills of project participants, through interactive and interdependent activities.

3. Social objectives:
- Enhancing students’ understanding of democracy by involving them equally in the activities, 
- Implementing and promoting the Living Values of responsibility and respect,
- Developing empathy between young Europeans and European teachers through real cooperation,
- Preventing school failure and exclusion by using a creative approach and meaningful education,
- Developing organizational skills through planning and management of events in connection with the project.

4. Linguistic objectives:
- Developing English language skills, both written and oral, at level B1 and B2 (CEFRL) through writing activities and intensive oral communication.

5. Practical objectives:
- Developing students’ and teachers’ ICT skills. Throughout the project, students and teachers will use virtual learning environments and ICT-tools such as collaborative blogs, social networks, ebook makers.

6.  Pedagogical objectives:
- Placing the institutional practice of writing in English in a challenging situation
- Encouraging creativity and imagination
- Educating the taste of writing to increase the joy of reading
- Writing in order to be read
- Complete the rational and analytical study of literature through intuitive creation
- Acquire formal knowledge (stylistic, lexical, grammatical, editorial, etc.)
- Developing learning and teaching strategies transferable to other situations of communication.

Summary of the project

I. Topic: Intercultural dialogue through art and creative writing.
The whole project is based on European culture heritage. It encourages young Europeans to discover what they can share and learn from the others through concrete tasks in connection with art.

II. Main focus: the final product is in an ebook of short stories written & illustrated by students, based on shared artistic sources and selected during reading sessions by pannels of readers.

Artistic sources are chosen according to four different areas:
Year 1: Photography & Painting
Year 2: Sculpture & Literature

III. Joint activities
1. Partners visit art galleries in their countries or during meetings to find inspiration & discover the artistic heritage of partner countries.
2. They are asked to make research on the sources they have chosen & are encouraged to communicate about their research on a dedicated blog - the Book of Knowledge (messages, PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio documents, etc)
3. They are in charge of organizing reading & debating sessions when they welcome partner teams at home.
During these sessions, students have to select the best short stories according to different criteria (chosen by students). Debates are led in English.
4. The panels of readers reward the selected short stories during awards ceremonies, which they also organize.

IV. Results:
1. The awarded short-stories are incorporated into an ebook designed & illustrated by partners & published on the eTwinning Twinspace & other sites.
2. The photos taken during awards ceremonies are published on a dedicated blog - the Hall of Fame- and students are invited to post comments.
3. A tool blog - the Creative Writing Workshop - is created in order to provide resources to teach & implement creative writing in class.